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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hot off the press

All the editing has been done. The cover has been designed and finalized.
I can hardly believe that the book is finally in print. Publish America sent out their announcement letter and that can only mean that shortly I should be receiving my very own copy of "Bedtime for Meaghan".
I am thrilled and nervous at the same time. This is truly a first for me!

Thank you to all of you that encouraged and supported me through out this entire process.

What's next for me? Another book perhaps? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime, for those of you who would like to purchase a copy of Bedtime for Meaghan you can call any Barnes and Noble to place an order (which would also help let them know that they should order some books to have on hand), or you can use this direct link to PublishAmerica's Online Bookstore. You can search by book title once you're in the online bookstore.
So, go...tell the multitudes that it's out there waiting to be read. I hope you enjoy it!

A million thanks!

1 comment:

Mercy said...

GO YOU! I am completely stoked!!!
I just ordered THREE of them online and I'd like for you to sign them, please. Thanks! :) It's so trippy that you are both, the Author and Illustrator. You did a fabulous job on the art as well as storyline in the book. Your determination, persistence and devotion to this dream has been truly inspiring. It makes it even more precious to know that your own daughter was your source of inspiration. Thank you for impacting your world with the talents He's given you... Simply beautiful! Congrats! Love you!