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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reach For The Stars...

Since I first began this blog I've come across some people telling me the same thing, time and time again . At one point or another in their life they had attempted, but never finished either writing a book, song or children's themed album. They all had similar things to say. Mostly, that they didn't pursue it because it probably wouldn't have gone anywhere, or they figured "what's the point anyway?" Well, I'll say what I said to them each time I heard this. "If I can do it, you can do it too"! For so long I talked myself into giving up, throwing my hands up in the air saying "what's the point anyway?" I felt like what I was working on was never up to par, that someone else's work was always better then mine.

I didn't have enough confidence in myself to think that others would enjoy it too. Until the day that I decided to do it for me and my family. That was "point" enough for me.

With a lot of encouragement, I followed through and committed to completing a dream of mine. If you have a dream...whether it be to write the next best selling novel or a tender children's book, follow that dream to it's completion. Your hard work and determination will be something that no one can take away from you. However, if you give up or worse...don't even start, you just may be cheating the world out of an enrichment through a little piece of you.

Writing or creating may not always come easily, but... if you are blessed with moments of inspiration, I say run with it, run like the wind and don't ever stop. Writing frees you to be the real person that's locked up inside. Writing frees you to love and encourage those that need it the most. Words are powerful...let it be your words that empower and uplift in some way. This world is quick to tear down and weaken even the strongest of strong. Making a person feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Could you possibly be the one to write or create something that just might lighten their load. You'll never know will you? Or Will you?

So with that I say to you...put yourself wholeheartedly into what ever project you've been putting off. You may just discover that taking that small step of confidence might one day inspire others to do the same.
Believe in yourself, follow your dream, make a difference.... never know who may be watching.


Mercy said...

You GO girl! I'm so excited about your book... it's gone INTERNATIONAL! It's soo inspiring... thanks for the constant motivation and for sharing your heart. :)

Anonymous said...


I live up in Canada and work at a book store. It was a quiet night at work and I did a search for a book with my daughters name in it and there it was. Your book is listed but we don't sell it...yet! I ordered it off Amazon and am waiting for it. Why? My daughters name is Meaghan and there is never anything with her spelling. She is 13 now but bedtime stories were our favourite part of the day.