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Friday, January 30, 2009

On to my next endeavor...

In February, it will be six months since "Bedtime for Meaghan" was published and released. I was very encouraged by the positive feedback and kind acknowledgments that I received. Today, I received a call from someone wanting to let me know that she had purchased my book and thought is was great. She's planning on giving it to her daughter. She asked if I would autograph it for her...I was truly honored and grateful for her kindness and interest.

It's funny...I wrote that book for my daughter and "people" are actually reading it, buying it...enjoying it. I feel very blessed.

I am now in the process of gathering my information and all else that I need in order to begin illustrating my next book. My son will be front and center in this one. He's been very patient
and I can't wait to see the outcome.

I'll be sure and keep you posted...Wish me luck!


Mercy said...

So excited to see hisbook. Have the Editors started the review process? :)

Celi C. Camacho said...

Thanks for the encouragement. A few wrenches have redirected my attention, so I've put the illustrations on hold. I hope to start on them soon. :)